Contact Richard

612-817-5783 (voice/text)

15350 Oriole Ct.
Burnsville, MN 55306

About Richard

The holistic and creative approach Dick Sayther brings propels organizations to new heights. He has helped scores of charities and congregations reach their fundraising and organizational goals. Yet Dick brings so much more to the process: his vast experience – pastor, executive director, development director, plus more than 35 years as a consultant – provides perspective and balance to keep projects focused and moving forward. He has guided many charities that had little or no development programs; these clients have grown and are now generating millions of dollars in annual, capital and estate gifts. Dick’s leadership in board and staff organization, program and services enhancements, and public relations strengthens clients in developing their fundraising capacity, overall advancement and mission delivery.

Your efforts with us paid off and I am sure will continue to pay off."